Религиозная организация
Русская Древлеправославная Церковь


Текстовые материалы

This booklet contains materials concerning: – the history of schism in the Russian Church in the XXVII century; – spiritual life of the Ancient Orthodox Christians during the period of absence of bishops; – search for and finding of bishops of the same faith to restore the three-level hierarchy; – the modern life of the Russian Ancient Orthodox Church in the modern world. This booklet shall be beneficial for all those who wish to learn the true history of the Ancient Orthodox Church. 
This booklet contains materials concerning: – the history of schism in the Russian Church in the XXVII century; – spiritual life of the Ancient Orthodox Christians during the period of absence of bishops; – search for and finding of bishops of the same faith to restore the three-level hierarchy; – the modern life of the Russian Ancient Orthodox Church in the modern world. This booklet shall be beneficial for all those who wish to learn the true history of the Ancient Orthodox Church. 
 "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's” (Matthew 22:21).
Прп. Макария Великого, Египетского (390-391). Свт. Марка Евгеника, архиеп. Ефесского (1444). Блж. Феодора, Христа ради юродивого, Новгородского (1392). Прп. Макария Римлянина, Новгородского (XVI-XVII).
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